- 例如,2001年世界银行研究员在timor-leste勤奋记下一家子是淋浴还是在河里洗澡,是用抽水马桶还是普通水桶,他们的房子是用砖石还是藤条造成等等。
- In 2001 , for example , bank researchers in timor-leste diligently recorded whether a household bathed under a shower or in the river ; used a flush toilet or a bucket ; built their home from brick or rattan , and so forth .
- 棕榈藤是热带和南亚热带地区森林宝库中重要的非木质林产品,具有重要的社会、经济和生态价值。
- As an important non-timber product found in tropical and south subtropical forests , rattan is of great societal , economic and ecological value .
- 研究了金银花藤培养基中加入不同浓度的硫酸锌对香菇菌丝生长的影响。
- By adding znso4 to honeysuckle rattan substratum in different concentration , the experiment studied the influence to the growth of lentinusedodes hypha .