- 如果说历史上存有与在谷歌上“关闭”某个公司相对应的行为的话,那就是19世纪政坛非常普遍的卑鄙伎俩,那个时候候选人的支持者会谣传他的竞争对手已经死亡。
- If there is a historical antecedent to " closing " a company on google , it is a dirty trick that was fairly common in 19th-century politics , wherein supporters of a candidate would spread rumors that his opponent was dead .
- 一些人散布谣言是为了恫吓别人以期提高自己的地位或者让自己更受欢迎。
- Some people spread rumors as a way to intimidate others and gain status or popularity .
- 熊博士表示互联网公司应该封掉散播谣言或者诽谤他人的用户帐户。
- Xiong said internet companies should suspend the accounts of users who spread rumors or libelous statements .
- 在剧作《凯撒大帝》中,莎士比亚写道,奉承凯撒大帝最稳妥的方法就是,告诉他他是如何地憎恨奉承者。
- In william shakespeare 's play julius caesar it is said that a sure way to flatter caesar is to remind him how he hates flatterers .
- 财经新闻界很可能会指出,商业机构不断运用公关手段,宣传产品,吹捧老板形象,或者推高股价。
- The financial press might well argue that commercial outfits use pr endlessly to plug their products , flatter the boss 's ego or push a share price .
- 成品的礼服还需有华丽地刺绣亮片,珠子,珠宝及其他饰物进行装饰,对女性的身材极尽吹捧。
- The finished garment is richly embroidered with sequins , beads , jewels , and other ornaments . Gowns are even tailored to flatter a woman 's figure .
- 对待衍生产品的评价趋势介于流言和网络游戏之间是阴险的。
- The trend toward treating derivatives as a cross between gossip and videogames is insidious .
- 情报、传闻、流言和嚼舌头是很多群体的血液。
- Intelligence , rumour , gossip and tittle-tattle is the lifeblood of many groups .
- 你热衷流言蜚语的话,人们就不会相信你。
- If you gossip , people won 't confide in you .