- 一个有关墨西哥城黑社会的电影“爱情是狗娘”引起了轰动,放映几年后,西班牙人却抱怨电影缺乏字幕。
- When " amores perros " , a blockbuster film about the mexico city underworld , was released a few years back , spaniards complained about the lack of subtitles .
- 在这个象征着死亡和复活的神圣周期中,狮身人面像可能代表了很多东西:它既是哈夫拉国王和死去国王的象征,也是作为太阳神化身的即在统治者的象征,同时还是阴间及吉萨墓葬的守护者。
- In this sacred cycle of death and revival , the sphinx may have stood for many things : as an image of khafre the dead king , as the sun god incarnated in the living ruler and as guardian of the underworld and the giza tombs .
- 大部分纹身者都是从事“危险”工作的男性,包括警察、士兵、体力工作者、摩的司机和泰国黑社会成员。
- Most tattoo devotees are men in ' dangerous ' professions . These can include policemen and soldiers through to labourers , motorcycle taxi drivers and , of course , members of thailand 's notorious criminal underworld
- 大型贩毒组织之间的火拼成了触目惊心的新奇事物。
- Gangland killings among drug mafias are a frightening novelty .
- 这名字还在,而且30年后,它竟然和残忍的黑帮屠杀联系在一起。
- The name stuck , and three decades later it would become associated with sadistic gangland slayings .
- 科克先生有两名兄弟和一名姐妹被枪杀,不是被黑帮杀手所击毙就是在和警察的枪战中丧生。
- Two of mr coke 's brothers and a sister have been shot dead over the years , either by gangland killers or in shoot-outs with police .