- 这位植物学家对白木树,如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树都很有研究。
- This botanist made a good study of many of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree , basswood , or cottonwood .
- 郁金香树不是杨树,但它仍是俗称为郁金香杨树、胡桃木杨树、白杨、黄杨树.
- The tulip tree is not a poplar , but it is still commonly referred to as tulip poplar , hickory poplar , white poplar and yellow poplar .
- 霍夫是一名荷兰发明家,先前种植过郁金香和百合,这次他来阿曼是为了测试一项植树造林计划。
- Hoff is a dutch inventor and former tulip and lily grower who had come to oman to test an experimental tree-planting device .
- 尽管郑光日和l都曾经历过苦难,但他们都思念家乡,他们在韩国的生活举步维艰。
- Despite their ordeal , both jung and l miss home and find life in south korea hard .
- magliv酒厂使用的日产50升烈酒的阿诺德荷斯坦蒸馏器。
- Magliv uses arnold holstein distillers making 50 l of cognac spirit daily .
- 目前航空燃油价格为每加仑1.75美元,约合46美分一升,这将大大节约航空公司的运营成本。
- And with jet fuel costing about $ 1.75 per gal. ( 46 cents per l ) , that could save the airlines millions .