- 祈求或恳请驱逐;指妖精;在宗教中。
- Expel through adjuration or prayers ; of evil spirits ; in certain religions .
- 该传统的起源众说纷纭:可能是一驱赶恶魔的异教仪式,或是一种报警信号-西班牙无敌舰队将压城而来,抑或只是一种农舍消毒的方法。
- The tar-barrel tradition may have begun as a pagan ceremony to get rid of evil spirits or as a warning signal that the spanish armada was bearing down on the town or as a way to fumigate cottages .
- 对一些人而言,爆竹是一种严肃的迷信:他们认为爆竹的声响和光亮能够赶走邪恶的神灵,并保证一个吉祥的好年。
- For some , fireworks are a solemn matter of superstition : the sound and light show is believed to scare away evil spirits and ensure an auspicious good year .
- 他们看到她就好像她看到自己那升降梯里的小妖精一样。
- And they looked at her as if she had seen her own goblin in the elevator .
- 如果每个小精灵都能走上法庭要求获得赔偿,就没有了那种兴奋感。
- If every goblin could go to court to seek compensation , the thrill would be gone .
- 扮演一个自己的小屋可能会被野蛮的游牧部落肆意烧毁的小精灵,是件有趣的事情。
- It is fun to play a goblin whose hut is at risk of being burned down arbitrarily by a barbarian horde .
- 这个魔鬼发出沉闷的漱口的声音。
- The demon let out a muffled gargle .
- 糟糕的政策导致的恶果最明显的体现就在于乙醇和其他“恶魔般的”生物燃料的兴起。
- Where the effects of bad policy are clearest , however , is in the rise of demon ethanol and other biofuels .
- 长着黑色头发、面部惨白的恶魔走了进来,后面还跟着四个扛着黑色大箱子的身体乌黑的侏儒。
- A pale demon with black hair came in , followed by four black gnome-like creatures carrying a great black trunk .
- 年轻人蜂拥进入游戏杀死怪物,并获得虚拟的财富和经验。
- Young people flocked to slay monsters and gather virtual treasure and experience .
- 但他们的工作仍然对虚构的怪物们的生态系统有影响。
- But their work is still bound to have impacts on the ecosystem of fictitious monsters .
- 他们用与怪物的斗争来解释自然灾害的说法已经在日本文化中深深扎根。
- Inventing monsters to explain or come to grips with natural disasters has deep roots in japanese culture .