- 克丽奥佩托的风姿据说是无法抗拒的,她的仪态十分迷人。
- Cleopatra 's charm was said to be irresistible , her presence spellbinding .
- 它充满了魅力和缺陷美。
- It has charm and imperfections .
- 而且这种魅力无处不在。
- And the charm is felt everywhere .
- 必须注意的是,最终是成瘾者自己对其行为和康复承担责任。
- It is important to note that ultimately , the addict is responsible for their own behavior and their own recovery .
- 无论你生命中遇上的成瘾者是名人、挚友抑或亲人,竭尽所能减少诱导行为并鼓励他们寻求帮助,都是至关重要的。
- Whether the addict in your life is a famous celebrity or a beloved friend or relative , it is critical to do everything you can to minimize enabling behavior and to urge them to get help .
- 时尚顾问、正在康复的成瘾者潘多拉德莱维涅(pandoradelevigne)表示:“开始得越早越好。”
- " The younger you start the better , " says fashion consultant and recovering addict pandora delevigne .