- 随着过去一年危机不断扩大,大部分监管者、政治家、投资者和选民都处于完全震惊的状态。
- As the crisis has unfolded over the past year , most regulators , politicians , investors and voters have been left in a state of utter shock .
- 通过这些闭塞的社区,我们有一个总体印象就是,每个人不管是新的无家可归的人,被围困的城市官员,还是搜寻尸体的操作人员全部都还处于一种震惊的状态。
- Traveling through these obliterated communities , one gets the impression that everyone - from newly homeless residents to beleaguered city officials to heavy equipment operators searching for corpses - is still in a state of shock .
- 法国人处于一种战后惊恐状态,叫嚷要进行可怕的报复。
- The french were in a state of postwar shock and clamoring for fearful retribution .