Design and development of load characteristic recorder for tractive substation .
Tltv - aircraft nlg steering and tractive force protection systems or alerting devices - inspection , maintenance and calibration requirements .
Braking forces and tractive forces are taken into considerations in case of single-track traffic .
Not only sling plays a role in protecting robot security , but also provides tractive force for robot moving up and down on wall .
The water buffalo is one of main working animal in china , but ancient old type harness has been seriously affecting development of tractive force .
It is studied that the position of gravity center of a vehicle produces influence upon the tractive characteristics on loose ground .
The amount of apparent sliding , known as'creep ' , is dependent upon the tractive effort .
The injector head incorporates special profiled chain assemblies to grip the coiled tubing string and a hydraulic drive system that provides the tractive effort for running and retrieving the string from the wellbore .
The train is powered with 22800 kilowatts of tractive power , more than twice the 9600 kilowatt power of the crh380 bullet trains .
A pilot , demonstrated in june , is undergoing final mechanical and control integration and will later be rigorously tested for such parameters as tractive effort ( the pulling force a locomotive exerts in order to move ) , shock and vibration resistance , and noise , says karen griggs , a company spokeswoman .