- 此后,两国的债券收益率现在已经重新回到了危急水平,投资者要求高溢价来持有这些债券。
- Since then bond yields in both countries have drifted back up to critical levels as investors demand a high premium to hold on to their debt .
- 法官会怀疑这是一种报复性行为,因此昂首保持体面的做法要好得多。”
- Judges will take a dim view of vindictive behaviour , so it 's far better to hold your head up high and retain the civilized high ground . "
- 医生提出对其专业领域里同行之间专业素养的不同见解,对同行中的良莠区别做出评价,推崇明良有信之士,指责庸劣无术者。
- In their professional field , doctors should bring up their different opinions on professional disposition between the same trades to evaluate the distinction between good and poor points in the same trade , hold those who have eyesight and are trustful in high esteem , and censure those quackeries .
- 你的服役记录我已经看过了,菲比斯。
- Your service record precedes you , phoebus .
- 不管怎样,总比“菲比斯”要好听多了。
- Much better than phoebus , anyway .
- 我眼前徒有微笑的早晨在闪耀,徒有红脸的菲勃斯高举金色的火。
- In vain to me the smiling mornings shine , and reddening phoebus lifts his golden fire .