- 在所有这些骚动背后的始作俑者,是那些来自网络时代的短线交易员。
- Behind all of this commotion are day traders , those creatures of the dot-com era .
- 我之所以醒过来,可能因为感受到我的兄弟击退打算伤害我的恶魔时所引发的骚乱。
- I 'm probably waking up because I 'm sensing the commotion of my spirit brother fighting away some demon who might be trying to hurt me .
- 爱金发的绅士:作为南非有史以来输出到好莱坞的最红影星,塞隆的相貌和姿态都足以引发巨大骚动。
- Gentlemen prefer blondes : south africa 's hottest export since trading began , theron has the looks and the motion to create quite a commotion .
- 伦敦骚乱,因为有人要偷。
- In london they riot to steal things .
- 一些人向防暴警察投掷石块。
- Some threw stones at riot police .
- 防暴警察似乎开始焦躁不安。
- The riot police look twitchy .
- 对自然分形的干扰甚至可以给人以什么东西曾占有过这块场地的感觉。
- The disturbance to the natural fractals can even give a sense of what occupied the site .
- 当前的共识是,慢性疲劳综合症很可能是由免疫系统受干扰引起的。
- The current consensus is that chronic fatigue syndrome is probably caused by a disturbance to the immune system .
- 据参与星期四家庭骚乱事件的佛罗里达州拉哥岛的警方说,在他们进入一名手持小刀的18岁男子和他母亲居住的房间后不久,他们被迫射杀了该男子。
- Largo , florida - police called out to a domestic disturbance thursday say they were forced to shoot and kill an 18-year-old man armed with a knife shortly after entering the apartment he shared with his mother .