- 通过观察海豚、驼背鲸和抹香鲸得知,促进鲸目动物通信进化的是一种在每代以及每个个体间传递鸣叫和强音的能力。
- Fueling the evolution of cetacean communication is an ability , observed in dolphins , humpback whales and sperm whales , to pass songs and codas between generations and individuals .
- 在此之前,哺乳动物迁徙的最远记录是由另一头座头鲸保持的,而在新一轮的比赛中,这一纪录被提高了250英里(400公里)。
- The record for longest mammal migration was previously held by another humpback ( megaptera novaeangliae ) . But the new champ smashed the record by traveling nearly 250 miles ( 400 km ) further than the longest distance previously recorded .
- 不仅如此,当一个浪头即将把海豹扫回险境之时,座头鲸还利用它的巨大的鳍状肢(五米长,动物王国中最长的)把它轻轻地推了回来。
- Not only that , but when a wave threatened to return the seal to danger , the humpback used its massive flipper ( at five metres , the longest in the animal kingdom ) to nudge it back on .
- 冈拉梅朵酒吧里的“驼背灯”
- A hunchback light in bar ganglame .
- 除了个子十分矮小之外,他还有一个长得奇形怪状的驼背。
- Along with a rather short stature , he had a grotesque hunchback .
- 克洛潘取笑他,驼背人不由得怒气冲天。
- Clopin was making fun of him , and the hunchback was angry .
- 骨质疏松性脊柱畸形的临床评价及治疗。
- Kyphosis or scoliosis secondary to osteoporosis : clinical evaluation and treatment .
- 先天性脊柱后凸14例,脊柱结核后凸畸形5例,外伤后脊柱后凸畸形4例。
- There were 14 cases of congenital kyphosis , 5 cases of tb kyphosis and 4 cases of post-traumatic kyphosis .
- 与软骨发育不良儿童胸腰椎后突相关的因素:对于48名在综合骨科中心治疗的儿童的回顾性队列研究。
- Factors related to progression of thoracolumbar kyphosis in children with achondroplasia : a retrospective cohort study of forty-eight children treated in a comprehensive orthopaedic center .