- 然而这样的幸福指标却没包括居住在东尼泊尔地区的不丹人。
- Such metrics however tend to skip over the bhutanese nationals who reside in eastern nepal .
- 他在自己宏丽的网站上提供了这座寺庙详细的介绍,标明了寺里住着300名学生和50名僧人。
- His lavish website offers gorgeous views of the monastery and states that 300 students and 50 monks reside there .
- 有13个州允许居住在该州境内的非法移民学生在就读公立大学时缴纳州内学生学费。
- Thirteen states allow illegal immigrants who reside in their borders to pay in-state fees at public universities .
- 这位27岁的echopark居民一夜成了网络红人。
- The 27-year-old echo park resident has become something of a media star .
- 一位居民看见你昨晚做了有损学校形象的事。
- A resident saw you defacing the school last night .
- 垃圾场的常驻伊玛目和他的11名小孩住在一个由垃圾中捡来的材料建造的房子。
- The tip 's resident imam lives with his 11 children in a house made of materials scavenged from rubbish .