- 马丁是小马驹能得到的最好的代理妈妈。
- Martin was the best surrogate mother a foal could have had .
- 卑微的,又骑著驴,就是骑著驴驹子。
- Lowly and riding on a donkey , a colt , the foal of a donkey .
- 此次部署中,第9舰载机联队与日本海上自卫队参与了水下武器测试,与韩国进行了年度“驹鹰”演习以及2009年北界联合演习。
- During the deployment , cvw 9 participated in an undersea warfare exercise with the japan maritime self defense force , annual exercise foal eagle with the republic of korea and joint exercise northern edge 2009 .
- 在鲁特的指导下,改名后的柯尔特专利枪械制造公司雇用了机械师和工程师开始继续柯尔特的创新。
- Under root 's guidance , the renamed colt patent fire-arms manufacturing company hired talented mechanics and engineers who continued the innovations colt had begun .
- 全家人看灭驴驹在急切的期待,期待著他的任何一分钟开始生产金银。
- The whole family watched the colt in eager anticipation , expecting him any minute to start producing silver and gold .
- 柯尔特的左轮手枪使得枪手可以连续打几圈子弹而不用频繁装,这在19世纪后期美国边境爆发的印第安战役中扮演了重要的角色。
- Colt 's revolver allowed the shooter to fire multiple rounds without reloading , which played a major role in the indian wars of the late 19th century on the american frontier .
- 如今你几乎能够找到任何小马驹的种类,包括热带小马,超级微小的小马驹或者其他品种。
- Now you can find almost any type of pony including tropical ponies , teeny tiny ponies and many more .
- 一个名叫纳撒尼尔的男孩把他的手浸在红色油漆里,然后把他的小手印印在胸衣上,仿佛这件衣服是一匹印第安小马。
- A boy named nathaniel dipped his hand in red paint and left his little handprint on the bodice as though the dress were an indian pony .
- 去年全国小马联盟垒球锦标赛(12岁以下女子组)在白鹿公园举行。
- Last year , the national pony league softball tournament ( for girls under 12 years of age ) was held in white deer park .
- 9岁的卡梅伦莫特在大手术中,被摘除了半边大脑,但这样的磨难却挡不住这个孩子追逐自己的梦想。
- Nine-year-old cameron mott had half her brain taken out during major surgery , but it has not stopped the youngster pursuing her dreams .
- 但这年轻人的乐观的理想将要被现实所考验,他被送到孟买的寄宿学校。
- But the youngster 's cheery spirit was put to the test when he was sent to boarding school in mumbai .
- 但是只要你有耐心和意志力,你的孩子就会知道反抗并不能让他们获得她们想要的东西。
- But as long as you 're patient and consistent , your youngster will eventually learn that defiance isn 't the way to get what she wants .
- 干得好那只马走后你再走行吗?
- Great work . Can you stay until after the ponies go ?
- 我们把两匹矮种马套到了车上。
- We harnessed two ponies to the cart .
- 到了本周末,在温莎城堡的御林军马球俱乐部里,当小马在草场上慢跑的时候,英国夏季社交日程中的一大亮点即将拉开帷幕。
- When the ponies canter on to the lush grounds of guards polo club near windsor castle this weekend , they will herald one of the highlights of the english summer society calendar .