- 这种担保让各方变得更加草率。
- The guarantees make everybody more careless .
- 为什么这么多评论人士如此草率呢?
- Why were so many commentators so careless ?
- 这不是因为我们疏忽大意我们非常认真地对待健康和安全问题。
- This is not because we are careless : we take health and safety seriously .
- 经济不景气十分严重,而通胀压力很可能会维持在较低水平。
- Slack in the economy is high and inflationary pressures are likely to stay low .
- 一些研究认为,在经济不景气的情况下,更多的宽带意味着更多的就业。
- Several studies conclude that , in slack economies , more broadband means more jobs .
- 但是即使这些预期得到很好的稳定,也不足以解释为什么通货膨胀没有对经济萧条做出更多反应。
- But even if they remain well anchored , expectations alone do not explain why inflation does not respond more to economic slack .
- 印度卢比债务市场跟外面的世界隔离开,这可以防止一些草率的习惯流入印度。
- The rupee debt market is ring-fenced from the outside world , which may have stopped sloppy habits immigrating .
- 有时候,双方都签署草率的合同,而且有些公司因为不明智的外包而破坏了整体的战略。
- Sometimes both parties write sloppy contracts . And some companies undermine their overall strategies with injudicious outsourcing .
- 但是,她们那些关于男女先天不同的论调是草率而具反效果的。
- But their arguments about the innate differences between men and women are sloppy and counterproductive .