- 因为那个凳子和两台电脑,我得到了一个最好的朋友。
- Because of that stool and a pair of computers , I gained a best friend .
- 此次调查始于一位医生将一份粪便样本递交给minnesota卫生署。
- It starts when a doctor sends a stool sample to the minnesota health department .
- 在幼年期,所有婴儿至少有一次会出现粪便带血的情况。
- At least once in infancy , all infants will have blood in their stool .
- 这张照片拍摄于1959年,赫本骑马时。
- Audrey hepburn rides a horse in 1959 .
- 斑点马是虚构出来的生物吗?
- Was the spotted horse an imaginary creature ?
- 另一个不能跨上他的马。
- Another could not mount his horse .
- 她真是个婊子!
- She is such a slut !
- 爆飞我的头吧,你这个臭婊子你听到我吗?
- Blow my head off , you big slut . You hear me ?
- 你真是个怪物!你才是纳粹贱货!
- You are a freak ! You nazi slut !