- 你学过几门外语?
- Which foreign language have you stud ?
- 猴面包树,散布在棕色的非洲草原上,像连根拔起倒置的橡树。
- Baobab trees stud the brown plains of africa like uprooted , upside-down oaks .
- 这听起来就像我用我的舌钉敲击我牙齿的声音,如果我有的话。
- That 's what it might sound like if I had a tongue stud , hitting my teeth .
- 目前一种奇怪的宁静笼罩着巴巴阿迈。
- An eerie quiet hangs over baba amr at the moment .
- 两名叙利亚妇女走过霍姆斯市巴巴穆萨区被炮弹炸成废墟的街道。
- Syrian women walk past the ruins of a shelled street in the baba amr district of homs .
- 阿里巴巴和他的儿子,被这个行为吓到了,大声的叫了起来。
- Ali baba and his son , shocked at this action , cried out aloud .