- 一个精心布置的家庭工作空间可以给予在此工作的业主以激励和振奋,即使工作中面对最平凡无奇的任务也能保持惬意、愉快的心情!
- A well-decorated work space has the power to inspire and rejuvenate , turning the most mundane of tasks into bearable and ( dare we say ) enjoyable experiences !
- 这是一张完美的蛋糕照片,其它的东西都很好的装饰了两边。
- This is perfect for cakes and other items that are well decorated on all sides .
- 装饰美观的中型工作室被很好的安排,并且有装备完善的厨房。
- The tastefully decorated medium sized studio apartments are well appointed and have a fully equipped kitchen .