- 天色越来越黑,雪越下越紧,越下越大,脚下的土地和周围的一切变成白茫茫的一片,消失在远处的朦胧之中。
- Darker and darker grew the sky , and faster and heavier fell the snow , till the earth before and around me was a glistening white carpet the further edge of which was lost in misty vagueness .
- 到江边旧码头的遗址下车,我先留影,再眺望雾蒙蒙江面,遥想当年多少匆匆脚步由此上岸,开始他们艰苦而灿烂的李庄生活。
- We got off the bus at ruins of the former wharf along a river . I took a photo as a memento in advance , then overlooking the misty river surface and recalling how many paces went ashore from here in haste and began their arduous and splendid lives in lizhuang .
- 尝试去捕捉容光焕发的雾蒙蒙的清晨,拍出美丽缥缈的秋日风景。
- Try to capture a glowing misty morning , making for stunning and ethereal fall scenes .