- 超大胞雷雨云的边缘犬牙交错如同雕刻出的一般,大风卷着雨水和尘埃雄踞其中.前景是一棵树在耐心等待风暴来袭。
- Jagged sculptured clouds adorn the supercell 's edge , while wind swept dust and rain dominate the center . A tree waits patiently in the foreground .
- 超大胞雷雨云的边缘犬牙交错如同雕刻出的一般,大风卷着雨水和尘埃雄踞其中.前景是一棵树在耐心等待风暴来袭。
- Jagged sculptured clouds adorn the supercell 's edge , while wind swept dust and rain dominate the center . A tree waits patiently in the foreground .
- 超大胞雷雨云的边缘犬牙交错如同雕刻出的一般,大风卷着雨水和尘埃雄踞其中.前景是一棵树在耐心等待风暴来袭。
- Jagged sculptured clouds adorn the supercell 's edge , while wind swept dust and rain dominate the center . A tree waits patiently in the foreground .