- 此项技术可为汽轮机叶片安装轮缘的设计和安全性分析提供可靠依据。
- Tnis measure method supplies reliable data for security analysis and designing installed flange of steam turbine 's vane .
- 奶奶耐心地向我解释过天气风向标的功能,它挂在墙上,用以预测未来的天气。
- Granny took the time to explain the function of her weather vane , hanging on the wall , which predicted the upcoming weather .
- 通过旋转调节环从而旋转叶片来获得可变的叶片间隙。
- The variable vane gap is achieved by turning the adjusting ring and thus turning the vanes .
- 就在上周,当工程人员确定吉林省16座新建的混凝土铁路桥墩台无力支撑过往列车后,有关部门开始对其进行爆破拆除。
- Just this week , authorities began blasting apart 16 newly built concrete railroad towers in northern jilin province after engineers determined they were too weak to support trains .
- 如工业爆破、地下核爆炸造成的振动;在深井中进行高压注水以及大水库蓄水后增加了地壳的压力,有时也会诱发地震。
- Such as industrial blasting , the vibration caused by underground nuclear explosions in deep water in a high-pressure water and the large increases the pressure on the crust , sometimes induced earthquake .
- 在不远处为下一轮爆破钻孔的钻孔机也是遥控的。
- The rig drilling holes for the next round of blasting nearby is also piloted remotely .
- 古罗马大学者西塞罗和希腊诗人品达都提到过命运之轮。
- Roman scholar cicero and the greek poet pindar both reference the wheel of fortune .
- 你就如同一个被放在轮子里的仓鼠一样。
- You 'll end up like a hamster on a never-ending wheel .
- 陀螺就是一个可以自由旋转的转动着的轮子。
- A gyroscope is just a spinning wheel that is free to rotate .
- 其实印度的体育迷真的没什么好抱怨的了。
- The indian sports fan should really have nothing to complain about .
- 2010暴雪嘉年华上一个星际争霸迷制作的很不错的装束。
- Awesome costume created by a starcraft fan for blizzcon 2010 .
- 从那一天起,我就成了热情的朱迪.考林斯迷。
- From that day on , I was a huge judy collins fan .