- 那里的气氛十分轻松。
- The atmosphere was very relaxed .
- 如今,政治氛围异常紧张。
- The political atmosphere is toxic .
- 火山作用使碳酸盐重新返回大气层中。
- Volcanism recycles the carbonates into the atmosphere .
- 每种文化中的公司气质在某种程度上来说都是独特的。
- The corporate ethos of every culture is in some sense unique .
- 数量,而非质量,是双年展和艺术博览会的精神气质。
- Quantity , not quality , is the ethos of bienniales and art fairs .
- 尽管有零星的企业破产,但这种封闭式的民族气质还是一直在延续。
- Though some stragglers have been allowed to go to the wall , this insiderish ethos still lingers .
- 时装应该更有意义一些吗?
- Should fashion be more meaningful ?
- 所有时装品牌概莫能免。
- No fashion house is immune .
- 他们喜爱时尚用品和服装。
- They like fashion and clothing .