- 波兰的平民主义者同盟风雨飘摇。
- Poland 's populist coalition is tottering .
- 对这些国家的政府而言保证得偿所愿是个巨大挑战,因为它们需要保护自己风雨飘摇的银行、削减财政赤字。
- Ensuring this happens is as great a challenge for these governments as protecting their tottering banks and slashing their budget deficits .
- 这使得戴蒙能够毫无顾忌地抢购风雨飘摇中的对手,包括投行贝尔斯登,华盛顿互助储蓄银行等。
- This left mr dimon free to snap up tottering rivals including bear stearns , an investment bank , and washington mutual , a thrift .
- 美国消费者蹒跚不前,英国人资不抵债,而且看来焦虑的德国人也不打算抗下这副担子。
- The american consumer is faltering , british shoppers are heavily in debt and anxious germans are unlikely to take up the slack .
- 虽然德国的经济增长有所削弱,它依然没有打算以新的刺激手段激励国内的需求或者帮助蹒跚的意大利和希腊等外围国家。
- Even with its own economy weakening , germany plans no new stimulus package to boost demand at home or in faltering peripheral countries like italy and greece .
- 蹒跚地走着,希望这张照片可以指引我到达自己的终点,我看了看它,想着这可能是最后一次看它了。
- Faltering , hoping that the photograph would guide me to my own end , I looked at it for what I thought could be the final time .