- 这种放纵对两性关系有害,你只会更加痴迷色情,用色情取代一份真实存在的情感。
- This kind of indulgence is harmful to a relationship and to a life when you are more preoccupied with it and replace a good live relationship with porn .
- 银行以及其游说者可能会说服监管机构以尽可能对华尔街有利的方式解读新法规,正如它们在紧缩之前所做的那样:对待评价机构将是一次很好的考验,它似乎过着一种令人神往的生活。
- Banks and their lobbyists may persuade regulators to interpret the new rules in the friendliest possible way to wall street , as they did before the crunch : the treatment of the ratings agencies , which seem to live a charmed life , will be a good test .
- 我们需要拥有一个有规律的生活。这就是,我们能够保持好的作息时间并且在日常的活动中控制自己不要抽烟和饮酒。
- We need to live a regular life . That is we can keep good hours and refrain form smoking and drinking in the daily activities .