- 其中一位peiyuanchia就是纽约花旗银行的前任理事。
- One , peiyuan chia , is a former director of citibank in new york .
- 在现场记者了解到,这些购房人与正大国际花园之间的纠纷已经不止一次。
- Reporter at the scene learned that these buyers with a dispute between the chia tai international garden has more than once .
- 多吃一些含有单一脂肪酸和omega-3的食物,如亚麻籽、奇异子,还有对心脏健康的食物,如卡诺拉菜籽油、橄榄油和红花油。
- Increase your intake of monounsaturated fat and omega-3s from plant sources like flaxseed , chia seed , and heart-healthy cooking oils such as canola , olive , and safflower .