
Porsche 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The former chief financial officer and ceo of porsche are facing criminal charges for market manipulation .
- 保时捷公司的前任财务总监和CEO由于涉嫌操纵市场而双双被告上法庭,要求追究他们的刑事责任。
- In 2011 , porsche introduced the latest series of its sports car , the 991 .
- 2011年,保时捷最新跑车991的确与大家见面了。
- Porsche declined to comment on mr pich 's statements .
- 保时捷拒绝就皮耶希的上述言论置评。
- Porsche rebuffed the prosecutor 's allegations .
- 保时捷否认了检察机关的指控。
- Porsche drivers keep their cars tactfully hidden away .
- 驾驶保时捷的人机智地将其车藏起来。
- The top-of-the-line version of the 911 , which porsche calls gt3 , starts at about $ 130,000 for the base model .
- 911系列中最高档的一款称做保时捷GT3,起价大约13万美元。
- The most popular porsche of all is the cayenne suv , but its reliability rating consigns it to the bottom quartile .
- 保时捷全系最受欢迎的车型就是卡宴(Cayenne)SUV了,不过它的可靠性还是把它的价值分数拉到同领域的后25%里。
- If porsche sales were a leading indicator , the u.s. economy would be heading toward an economic boom of enormous proportions .
- 如果保时捷的销量能变成美国经济的一个先行指标的话,美国经济将迎来巨大幅度的强劲增长。
- They 're arguing in court that porsche wasn 't clear , as was its obligation , to disclose why it was buying vw stock .
- 他们在法庭上争论说,保时捷没有尽到义务,向公众披露它当初收购大众汽车股票的原因。
- To create a new 911 sports car , porsche executives explained patiently , the company needed the customers that cayenne would bring to its showrooms .
- 为此保时捷的高层只能耐心向车迷解释,为了打造全新的911超跑,公司需要卡宴为新车带来更多的客户。