- 不过帕美瑞拒绝评论这个问题。
- Palmieri declined to address the issue .
- 问题在于董事会本身。”
- The issue is the board . "
- 质量不再是个问题。
- Quality is no longer an issue .
- 在对温度记录非常怀疑的时期,这样做有助于宣扬其主要结论:现有的估计是正确的,全球变暖的态势正在加剧。
- At a time of exaggerated doubts about the instrumental temperature record , this should help promulgate its main conclusion : that the existing mean estimates are in the right ballpark . That means the world is warming fast .
- 第三十六条常务委员会通过的法规由常务委员会发布公告予以公布。
- Article 36 the standing committee shall issue proclamations to promulgate the regulations adopted by it .
- 第三十九条常务委员会通过的地方性法规,由常务委员会发布公告予以公布。
- Article 39 the standing committee shall issue proclamations to promulgate regulations adopted thereby .
- 它还指示研究者们公布发表日期。
- It also directs researchers to publish their data .
- 美国大使馆也开始公布自己的数据。
- Embassy has started to publish its own data .
- 学术上他要承受不出版就完蛋的局面。
- Publish or perish did him in academically .
- 实际上,研究者自身研究者他们自己就没准备好把它当成发现来宣告,同时他们正让别的物理学家独立验证该发现。
- In fact , the researchers themselves are not ready to proclaim a discovery and are asking other physicists to independently try to verify their findings .
- 塔塔接手后第一个动作就是宣布一个十年计划用以发展这两个英国品牌,它们最终的前景看起来一片光明。
- Tata 's first move was to proclaim a ten-year plan to develop the two british brands ; their outlook is at last looking brighter .
- 今天,我们在这里宣告,终结那些长期窒息我们政治生活的无谓埋怨与虚伪承诺、攻击指摘与陈腔滥调。
- On this day , we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises , the recriminations and worn out dogmas , that for far too long have strangled our politics .