- 他们用纯金作圣冠的牌,在上面按刻图章之法,刻着归耶和华为圣的字样。
- And they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold and wrote an inscription upon it , like the engravings of a signet : holy to jehovah .
- 食物价格高的顶破了房顶。
- Food costs are through the roof .
- 举重大礼堂内的屋顶漏着水。
- The weightlifting auditorium has a leaky roof .
- 在印度,看见有人在房顶上放风筝是再正常不过了。
- Flying a kite from the roof is part of everyday life in india .
- 第一种是债务上限得到提高。
- First , increase the debt ceiling .
- 现在有更好的做法来取消债务上限。
- Better to scrap the debt ceiling now .
- 债务上限是美国特有的过时做法。
- The debt ceiling is a peculiarly american anachronism .
- 不过,在阻碍英国与欧洲伙伴接触方面起到最大作用的是一种误解,即英国人相信可以用算盘计算出欧盟成员资格的利弊。
- The misperception that has done most to hamper british engagement with its european partners , however , has been a belief that the advantages and disadvantages of membership can be calculated on an abacus .
- 在英语里我们叫它为一个算盘。
- In english we call it an abacus .
- 学生学会了算盘,提高了他们学习算术的信心。
- When students mastered the abacus , they developed more confidence in their ability to do math .