- 幸运的是,正是这些谎言可以探测,因为这类谎言必然会在撒谎者的行为举止中留下线索。
- Fortunately , those are also the lies that are detectable , because those are the kind of lies that invariably produce clues in the liar 's demeanour .
- 在印度尚未走出11月孟买恐怖袭击的阴影之际,米利班德有关地区恐怖主义的评论,以及他在印度内阁部长级官员面前的举止,都令印度的国大党政府不满。
- With india reeling from november 's terror attacks on mumbai , mr miliband upset india 's congress party government with comments on regional terrorism and his demeanour towards indian cabinet ministers .
- 这似乎很奏效:这位教练较为平和的举止,帮助队伍赢得了更多的比赛,而这位年轻中锋的建议,也成了这位通用电气公司(ge)未来首席执行官的第一项有文件证明的战略行动。
- It appeared to work : the coach 's calmer demeanour helped the team to win more games and the young centre 's advice became the first documented strategic coup by the future chief executive of general electric .