


lucidity 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It is also a pleasure to read because of the lucidity of its writing and structure .
- 清晰的文笔和构思也增添了读书的阅读乐趣。
- At certain moments of lucidity , the mechanical aspect of their gestures , their meaningless pantomime makes silly everything that surrounds them .
- 某些清醒的时刻,在某些清醒的时刻,他们行为机械的一面以及他们毫无意义的滑稽举止使得周围的一切变得荒谬起来。
- But he is known for his wit and lucidity .
- 但他以机智风趣、头脑清醒著称。
- What would you do once you achieve lucidity ?
- 一旦梦变得清晰起来,你会做什么?
- Solely the balance between evidence and lyricism can allow us to achieve simultaneously emotion and lucidity .
- 只有实证和抒情之间的平衡才能使我们同时获得情感和清醒。
- It is the gentle yet penetrating lucidity of mr eugenides 's writing that makes a slightly humdrum plot into so involving a novel .
- 奥金尼德斯的写作手法温和而始终明朗,使得稍嫌单调无聊的情节变成了如此吸引人的小说。