- 一切听起来都那么熟悉。
- The situation may sound familiar .
- 这或许听起来同样疯狂。
- This may also sound crazy .
- 这听起来像是巫术。
- This may sound like voodoo .
- 这一语气的变化十分明显。
- The change of tone was stark .
- 德克斯的语调里有一种试探,又或者是奚落。
- There was a test in dex 's tone , maybe a taunt .
- 她说,她同时为他随意的语调感到吃惊。
- She said she was , however , surprised by his informal tone .
- 所有这些都是好消息。
- All this is good news .
- 所有新闻都是好消息。
- All news is good news .
- 这是非常好的消息!
- This is extremely good news !
- 世界上现存最古老的头条新闻是:“还没有意大利的新消息”,日期为1620年12月2日。
- The world 's oldest surviving headline , dated december 2nd 1620 , is : " the new tidings out of italie are not yet com " .
- 上周,除了笨手笨脚的雇主教诲员工在圣诞派对上应如何表现的电子邮件之外,我还收到了两封同样应景的转发邮件,都是有关解雇及争吵的坏消息。
- Last week , along with e-mails from flat-footed employers telling staff how to behave at christmas parties , I was forwarded two other equally seasonal messages bearing bad tidings of firings and fall-outs .
- 认识到这一点,明智的下属将会尽一切可能避免发表批评意见,或传达糟糕的消息。
- Knowing this , sensible juniors will avoid expressing criticism or grim tidings if at all possible .