- 然而,他在柏林赫塔的时光被伤病困扰,十字韧带撕裂和滑膜撕裂使得他在三赛季合计仅仅出场了70次。
- However , his time at berlin was plagued by injuries . A ruptured cruciate ligament and a torn synovial membrane restricted deisler to just over 70 appearances in his 3 seasons at the club .
- 新的研究发现,膝盖受伤,特别是前十字韧带(acl)受伤,是最普遍和最严重的。
- Knee injuries , especially to the anterior cruciate ligament ( acl ) , are some of the most common and serious , the new study found .
- 不过因为脚踝韧带撕裂,范佩西在赛季中曾缺席5个月之久。
- Van persie , however , did miss five months of last season with an ankle ligament injury .
- 这些研究在很大程度上证明,在人造草坪足球场上训练或比赛时,象踝关节扭伤和前交叉韧带撕裂这样的伤害情况并没有增加。
- For the most part , these studies show that the incidence injuries such as ankle sprains and acl tears are not increased when training or playing on turf .
- 刚刚发生acl损伤后,可能出现膝盖肿胀、感觉站立不稳,并且因太过疼痛而无法承担自身体重。
- Immediately after an acl injury , your knee may swell , feel unstable and become too painful to bear weight .
- 运用一条绳肌肌腱重建前交织韧带的生物力学评价:人标本研究。
- Biomechanical evaluation of using one hamstrings tendon for acl reconstruction : a human cadaveric study .