

v.使(某物)更明亮( lighten的现在分词 );变得更光明

lightening 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Lightening ripped the cloudy night sky .
- 闪电划破乌云密布的夜空。
- Thunder and lightening are natural phenomena .
- 雷鸣和闪电是自然现象。
- I guess lightening really can strike twice .
- 我猜一个人还是有可能被闪电击中2次。
- Lightening that burden would do most to boost jobs-on both sides of the atlantic .
- 减轻这一负担将最有助于促进就业美国欧洲都是如此。
- Cholera strikes so fast it is sometimes called the lightening disease .
- 霍乱打击如此之快,有时被称为减轻疾病。
- You think I 'll let them flatfoot from niagara falls steal our lightening ?
- 你认为我会让那些尼亚加拉瀑布的蹩脚警察抢走我们的闪电吗?
- By blowing downward these fans oppose the force of gravity , effectively lightening the vehicle .
- 通过向下吹风,这些风扇可以抵消引力,有效地减轻探测车的重力。
- And by next july , the private-equity property funds will come under the aegis of the sesc , lightening the fsa 's load .
- 到了7月份,私营的房地产基金将会受到证券交易监督委员会的监管,在一定程度上减轻了金融服务社的负担。
- Factor in the lightening strike , then it becomes an unknown .
- 雷击的因素,那么他就变成了一无所知的人。
- He 's rayden , god of lightening and protector of the realm of earth .
- 他是瑞德,是雷电之神,是地球的保护神。