- 春天里一个清爽宜人的周五夜晚,在巴黎市郊boulogne-billancourt地区一个卖止痛药的药店所在楼房的地下室里,十几个人各就各位,例行每周必做的一件事情,就是看着某个欧洲人实现一夜暴富的梦想。
- On a cool and clear spring friday night , in the basement of an anodyne office building in the paris suburb of boulogne-billancourt , about a dozen people took their places to go through the weekly ritual of making one european rich beyond his wildest dreams .
- 我们都在各自选择的码头上岸,却发现对方去了自己曾经最向往的地方。
- We go ashore as we choose but only to find others have been to places we have most long for .
- 要找到活体实例,你必须去那些被人遗忘的偏远,且多被围困的地方,比如北朝鲜、土库曼斯坦、多哥。
- To find living examples , you have to go to forgotten , remote and usually beleaguered places like north korea , turkmenistan and togo . This article looks at the cults in these places and ask three questions .