- 路透社报道,如此天气对非洲的影响好坏参半,阿尔及利亚和突尼斯的农夫们为缓解旱情的降水欢欣鼓舞,而同时摩洛哥的农民则为随之而来的霜冻天气忧心不已。
- Results in africa were mixed , reuters reported , with farmers in algeria and tunisia grateful for the drought-easing precipitation , and farmers in morocco worried about frost .
- 很多会在初霜之时死去,其他的则会蛰伏到来年春天。
- Many will die off with the first frost whilst others hibernate until the following spring .
- 所有人都知道俄罗斯是一个北方国家,有着雪,霜,寒冷的冬天。
- All people know russia is a northern country with snow , frost , cold winter .
- 莫尔纳现在在医院就低温和冻疮进行治疗。
- Molnar is now in hospital being treated for hypothermia and frostbite .
- 冻伤是一种皮肤在极寒环境中暴露时间过长而导致的损伤。
- Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long .
- 她最终全身而退,却害上了严重的冻疮。
- She escaped undetected , but with a bad case of frostbite .