- 一篇论文阐述了达芬奇的阴影技术,刊登在《德国应用化学国际版》(angewandtechemieinternationaledition)上,同时也指出这位艺术家在釉料配方上也是非常挑剔的。
- A paper describing da vinci 's shadow science , published in angewandte chemie international edition , also suggests that the artist was picky about his glaze recipes .
- 例如,在油画《圣母子与圣安妮》中,用来创造圣母脸上阴影的釉料,和孩子脸上阴影使用的釉料中包含不同的色素。
- For example , in the painting " the virgin and child with st anne " , the virgin 's face is shadowed by glaze that contains different pigments to those in the shadowing glaze on the child .
- 他会用钢丝刷刷橡木,给其着色然后再上光。
- He 'll wire-brush the oak , stain it and then glaze it .
- 如今,新泽西林登的一家新电厂将测试海洋固碳技术,这也许能明显地扩大其潜能。
- Now a new plant in linden , nj , will test an ocean carbon-sequestration technology that could expand its potential dramatically .
- 功率到达一定的门限时(蓝色脉冲功率大概1纳焦)发出的绿色光线急剧变强,同时频谱变窄为一个理想的峰顶。
- Above a certain threshold when the blue pulses had an energy of about 1 nj the energy of the emitted green light increased sharply and its spectrum narrowed to just a few well-defined peaks .