- 它位于繁华的南非一个主要港口的不远处,贝拉市高贵的建筑风格地中海气候让葡萄牙开发商们坚信这是一座旅馆和一个吸引无数旅客的大赌场的完美选址。
- Situated on a major port not far from booming south africa , beira 's graceful architecture and mediterranean climate made portuguese developers believe it would be the perfect spot for a hotel , as well as a magnificent casino to lure even more visitors .
- 他们有大约十二三个人,看起来很有气魄,很高大,皮肤是那种完美无暇的黑,很有男子气概,他们都身穿蓝,黑和白色的长袍。
- They were a dozen or so , and they looked truly magnificent , tall and graceful with skin of flawless black , and swathed in robes of blue , black and white .
- 亚振家具以其华贵典雅,华丽雍容,纯正细腻的欧式风格,再现罗马装饰的高贵和尊严,经典的浪漫和典雅的魅力,巴洛克艺术的豪华和激情。
- With graceful , magnificent and pure european style and details , yazhen furniture recreates the dignity and solemnity of roman decoration , the romantism and grace of classics , and the luxury and passion of baroque art .