- 在股市上一无所获除了因为市况难料之外,也说明了他的愚蠢。
- His gainless in the stock market not only accounts for the market condition is hard to predict , but for his foolishness .
- 一些评论人士警告称,作为一个巨大且复杂的地区,很难预测这里能容纳多少具有全球竞争力的金融中心。
- Some commentators caution that , as a vast and heterogeneous region , it is hard to predict just how many globally competitive financial centres the region will accommodate .
- 公平地说,最新一代的反应堆如果遭遇福岛核电站的情况,肯定会比现在的反应堆要好,但是很难预期,经历毁灭性的地震和海啸的双重打击之后,它们的安全性能有多高。
- While it 's fair to say that the latest generation of reactors would have weathered the power outage at fukushima daiichi better than the existing reactors have , it 's hard to predict just how secure even they might be after a devastating earthquake-tsunami one-two punch .