- 随着跳楼人数很快逼近两位数,潜伏的良心谴责开始令我觉得坐立不安。
- But as the number of jumpers approached double digits , latent self-reproach began to boil over .
- 右派宗教的行动主义者试图将潜在的同情心转变为实际的政治支持。
- Religious-right activists are trying to convert this latent sympathy into political support .
- 国民阵线会同时全面利用法国人的反移民情绪、对欧盟的潜在怀疑和精英理想的破灭。
- It would draw not only on anti-immigrant feeling but on latent french euroscepticism and disillusion with the elite .
- 这幅电脑合成图展示出火星东部hellas区的三个弹坑,以及雷达探测到的隐蔽的冰河。
- This computer graphic shows three craters in the eastern hellas region of mars , containing concealed glaciers that were detected by radar .
- 法案允许人们在校园中携带隐藏的枪支,只要他们有正当的许可证就行。
- The measure would allow people to carry concealed weapons on campus , as long as they have the proper licence .
- 罗森菲尔德是一位研究利用p300脑电波揭露隐藏信息的学科带头人。
- Rosenfeld is a leading scholar in the study of p300 testing to reveal concealed information .
- 这种氛围重新点燃了我潜在的好奇心。
- These circumstances rekindled my dormant curiosity .
- 潜在的计划你将来可能记起。
- Dormant projects that you might come back to in the future
- 潜伏的细菌能够避开抗生素。
- Bacteria that lie dormant can escape antibiotics .
- 我很少独自出门,我经常会想是否有人潜藏在角落里。
- I rarely go out alone . I often wonder if someone is lurking around the corner .
- 如果你的精神健康已经存在潜藏的问题,lsd将有可能带来十分严重的精神反应。
- If you already have a mental health problem lurking , the lsd can occasionally cause quite severe psychological reactions .
- 潜藏在数码相机资源的论坛的信息已证明有益的够多了,我想发布您的问题也会有帮助。
- Lurking at digital camera resource 's forum has proven helpful enough , and I imagine posting your questions there would be helpful too .
- 德保罗说,男人会为了抬高自己或为了掩盖真相而撒谎。
- Men lie to build themselves up or to conceal something , depaulo says .
- 许多人选择在网络世界隐藏或改变自己的身份。
- Many people choose to conceal or alter their identity online .
- 但是色情电影的观众可以隐藏他/她的色情享乐。
- But the porn viewer can conceal his / her enjoyment of pornography .
- 退休不会使你成为一个隐士。
- Just because you 're retiring it doesn 't make you a hermit .
- 中世纪时代经济和古怪的领导人,朝鲜这个“隐士王国”看起来经常是悲喜剧的因素多于威胁性。
- With its medieval economy and eccentric leader , the hermit kingdom often seems more tragi-comic than threatening .
- 虽然这个隐士王国的统治者们反感他们的臣民相互之间保持密切联系,但这是一个显著的发展趋势。
- For a hermit kingdom whose rulers resent their subjects keeping closely in touch with each other , this is a remarkable development .
- 该隐和亚伯(abel)是兄弟人类第一对夫妇的孩子。
- Cain and abel were brothers the children of our first parents .
- 赫尔曼该隐重申了他早些时候的发言,他不会在有穆斯林的内阁感到舒适。
- Herman cain repeated his earlier statement that he would not be comfortable with a muslim in his cabinet .
- 该隐亦成为这个城市的创始人,以他儿子的名字命名,叫伊诺克。
- Cain also becomes the founder of a city , which he names after his son enoch .