- 很明显,这种做法有一个限度。
- Obviously , this reachs a limit .
- 资本管制限制了资本外逃。
- Capital controls limit capital flight .
- 然而,这种致命的快感是有一定限度的。
- However , this guilty pleasure has a limit .
- 尽管有局限性,但是并未参与这项研究的营养学家们说这项研究十分重要。
- Despite that limitation , nutrition experts not involved in the research said the study was very important .
- 有一个问题会削弱财政部修补问题资产救助计划的努力,那就是现有监管的局限。
- One problem undermining the treasury 's effort to revamp the tarp program is the limitation of existing oversight .
- 集线器和交换机有同一个局限,即以太网网络必须是无路由循环的。
- One limitation that applies to hubs and switches alike is that an ethernet network must be loop-free .
- 美国的官方贫穷标准却非常简单。
- America 's official poverty measure is far simpler .
- 我们如何衡量贫困呢?
- How do we measure poverty ?
- 他们还测量国民幸福指数。
- They also measure gross national happiness .
- 这像是吴与她老公间的无形纽带。
- It felt like an invisible tether linking wu to her husband .
- 但是我们要把你们的设备系在美国的船上。
- But we would tether your module to an american ship .
- 那群牲畜被绳子拴着。
- The animals were fastened by tether .