- 真正的问题,还是要强调这种既成习惯的坏处。
- The real problem , again , is the accentuation of already bad habits .
- 如果经济学家能养成这样的习惯,那肯定是件好事。
- These cannot be bad habits for economists to acquire .
- 西北大学凯洛格管理学院副教授、实验心理学家罗兰?诺德格伦说,人们往往高估自己抵抗身边诱惑的能力,这使他们为摆脱坏习惯而做出的努力毁于一旦。
- People tend to overestimate their ability to resist temptations around them , thus undermining attempts to shed bad habits , says experimental psychologist loran nordgren , an assistant professor at northwestern university 's kellogg school of management .