- 旨在抑制投机活动的政府措施,确实促成了今年交易量的短暂下滑,但现在房价再次出现上涨。
- Government measures aimed at damping speculation did contribute to a brief fall in transactions this year but prices are now on the rise again .
- imf在东京年会上发布的研究报告中说,近年来的减赤举措对经济增长的抑制作用比预测人士预期的更大。
- Imf research unveiled in tokyo asserted that deficit cuts in recent years have had a bigger damping effect on economic growth than anticipated by forecasters .
- 美国连续17次加息,加之国际油价达到创纪录水平,减缓了消费者及企业的支出,抑制了出口需求。
- Seventeen successive interest rate rises in the us and record oil prices have slowed consumer and corporate spending , damping demand for exports .
- 但是这种策略主要还是会抑制共和党支持者对于他们党派的支持。
- But the tactic 's chief benefit may lie in dampening the support of republican cadres for their party .
- 但是更低的回报和仍显疲态的经济会产生影响抑制消费者利益,而此时消费者会把钱转而投向他们认为能获利的储蓄产品。
- But lower returns and a still-soft economy also has the effect of dampening interest from consumers , who appear keener to squirrel away money into savings products when they feel rich .
- 于此同时许多措施会抑制贷款的增长,所以不会在经济不景气时执行。
- And many initiatives would have the effect of dampening lending growth and so will not be implemented while economies are weak .
- 这个决定将鼓励资金流出,弱化美元和对雷亚尔(巴西货币)、人民币以及韩元施加升值压力。
- The decision will encourage capital to flow elsewhere , weakening the dollar and putting upward pressure on the real , yuan and won .
- 在这个异常炎热的夏天,古巴政权和古巴人民都遭受严峻考验,不过古巴现有的政治权利并没有因此出现弱化的倾向。
- The regime and the cuban people face an unusually hot summer . But there are no signs of political control weakening .
- 他还补充说,美联储希望避免经济前景进一步显著弱化,这说明更多经济增长低于平均水平的情况也会是一个诱发因素。
- He added the fed wanted to avoid ' a further significant weakening in the economic outlook , ' suggesting more subpar growth could be another trigger .
- 但是作为一个实务问题,大多数公司均按照所得税法的要求,仅用5年把这项资产摊入费用账户。
- But as a practical matter , most corporations amortize this asset to expense over a period of only 5 years , as allowed under income tax regulations .
- 原则上,开办费应该在在不少于五年的时间内按月摊销。
- In principle , organization expenses should be in lunar amortize is pressed inside not less than time of 5 years .
- 未明确承认融资用度按现实利率法定期摊销。
- The unrecognized financing charges on schedule according to the actual interest rate method amortize .