- 阶级利益的冲突导致了无情的阶级斗争,从而不可避免地导致了最广大的、最受虐待的阶级,即无产阶级的胜利。
- The conflict of the class interests results in the pitiless class-struggle that unavoidably leads to the victory of the most numerous and most wronged class , the proletariat .
- 工人阶级要在阶级斗争中和向自然界的斗争中改造整个社会,同时也就改造自己。
- The working class remoulds the whole of society in class struggle and in the struggle against nature , and in the process it remoulds itself .
- 目前我们同各种反革命分子、严重破坏分子、严重犯罪分子、严重犯罪集团的斗争,虽然不都是阶级斗争,但是包含阶级斗争。
- Our present struggles against the various kinds of counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs , criminals and criminal gangs guilty of serious offences do not all constitute class struggle , but they contain elements of class struggle .