- 它可能是你阴囊的血管肿大:精索静脉曲张。
- You may have a swelling of the veins in the scrotum . This is called a varicocele .
- 现象:你的阴囊的一边比另一边鼓或是重。
- What you see : your scrotum is " fuller " and " heavier " on one side than the other .
- 另一个可能造成睾丸附近有硬块的是腹股沟疝:肠的一部分通过下腹的狭小空间进入了阴囊。
- Another thing that may cause a lump near the testicles is a hernia , which is when part of the intestine comes into the scrotum through a small space from the abdomen .