- 2004年,旧金山纪事报引用了硅谷银行的一位主管带领一支风投队伍回到圣地后说的一句话,他说以色列随时准备着在爆发一次。
- By 2004 , an executive from silicon valley bank was in the san francisco chronicle after leading a contingent of vcs back to the holy land saying israel was poised to explode again .
- 但各种不同的力自身仍是杂多的东西,而且表现为彼此单纯地纷然杂陈,也好象是偶然的。
- But the different forces themselves are a multiplicity again , and in their mere juxtaposition seem to be contingent .
- 它只对那些要把他们同化进我们的特殊的、大器晚成的、历史上偶然的生命形式还不晚的人来说才可能是显而易见的。
- It can only be made evident to people whom it is not too late to acculturate into our own particular , late-blooming , historically contingent form of life .
- 维基百科将加入reddit公司的行列,reddit也将选择在本月18日抗议sopa和pipa法案。
- Wikipedia will join the ranks of companies like reddit who have chosen protest sopa and pipa on january 18 .
- 英镑仅仅排在第五名。
- The british pound ranks only fifth .
- 法国储备量排第四,葡萄牙排第12。
- France ranks fourth and portugal 12th .
- 外国地面部队没有进入利比亚。
- No foreign ground troops were deployed .
- 军队则发射催泪弹予以回应。
- Troops responded by firing tear gas .
- 军队目前都在边界严阵以待。
- Troops are massing on the border .
- 来自美国空军和陆军的代表观察了此次试验。
- Representatives of the air force and army observed the tests .
- 这支私人军队正饱受抨击。
- The private army is under fire .
- 墨西哥军队威胁说要对此采取行动。
- The mexican army threatened action .