- 对待衍生产品的评价趋势介于流言和网络游戏之间是阴险的。
- The trend toward treating derivatives as a cross between gossip and videogames is insidious .
- 情报、传闻、流言和嚼舌头是很多群体的血液。
- Intelligence , rumour , gossip and tittle-tattle is the lifeblood of many groups .
- 你热衷流言蜚语的话,人们就不会相信你。
- If you gossip , people won 't confide in you .
- 他用游戏内置的聊天程序写道。
- He wrote through an in-game chat program .
- 当和别人进行即时通讯时,一定要问一下现在是否是交谈的好时机。
- When instant-messaging , always ask if now is a good time to chat .
- 你要去莫斯科,想和当地人一起喝一杯卡布奇诺并且交谈一番吗?
- Visiting moscow and looking to meet up with a local for cappuccino and a chat ?
- 由于要讨论的话题如此之多,我们没有多少时间闲聊。
- With such meaty topics to discuss , there is little time for chitchat .
- 在工作时间会有很多闲聊,谁又总是人们的闲谈焦点呢?
- Is there a lot of chitchat during the day , or do people stay focused ?
- 丽莎说,“我没有时间在电话上闲聊或是讨论需要在超市买些什么。”
- ' I don 't have time to chitchat on the phone or talk about what we need at the supermarket , ' ms. richens says .
- 但是,为了回报这个痛苦的题外话。
- But to return from this painful digression .
- 这里有必要加一点题外的话。
- Here a short digression becomes necessary .
- 话题4:圣灵是一个人吗?
- Digression 4 : is the holy spirit a person ?