- 凯雷拒绝就关闭工厂一事置评。
- Carlyle declined to comment on the closure .
- 7月15日到18日期间就会出现一次主干道关闭。
- Just such a closure will occur between july 15th and 18th .
- 大约有12000人加入了抗议队伍,他们要求工厂关闭。
- Around 12000 people joined the protest demanding the plant 's closure .
- 双方得票应该非常接近。
- The vote should be close .
- 这么近,但又那么远。
- So close but so far away .
- 美国也在密切关注这次大选。
- The us is also paying close attention .
- 六月,官方首先拿珠海出版社开刀,这是一家小型国有公司,突然就关门整顿了。
- In june , officials made an example of zhuhai publishing house , a small state-owned company , by abruptly shutting it down .
- 罢工人数迅速增长到了35万,停止了近一半的钢铁产业运作。
- The number of strikers quickly grew to 350000 , shutting down nearly half of the steel industry .
- 这对大型主机和个人计算机都有意义,因为在不关机时,硬件或操作系统软件不能被合理加入。
- This makes sense for both mainframes and personal computers , because hardware or operating system software cannot reasonably be added without shutting down the machine .