- 客户包括名利场,国家地理,奥杜邦,美国博物馆,美国运通,美国力登和弗吉尼亚旅游局。
- Clients include vanity fair , national geographic , audubon , smithsonian , american express , dominion and virginia tourism .
- ladygaga以一个和平手势的照片登上万众期待的《名利场》2010年9月刊封面。
- Lady gaga throws up the peace sign on the much-anticipated september 2010 cover of vanity fair .
- 朱莉告诉《名利场》,有时他们会和六个孩子一起睡在一张“巨”床上。
- Ms. jolie informed vanity fair that the couple sometimes sleeps in one " giant bed " with their six children .