- 新近修复的这幅复制品,它有着闪闪发光的背景景观,椅子的主轴和焦孔多紧身上衣的褶皱有着清晰的线条,它丰富了原作《蒙娜丽莎》被泛黄的清漆所掩藏的细节。
- The newly-restored copy , with its gleaming landscape in the background and sharp lines defining the spindle of the chair and the ruffle of the bodice , fills in details obscured by the yellowing varnish on the real mona lisa .
- 在她的作品里,旋转的纺锤代表了混乱的开始。
- In her works the spiralling spindle represented the beginning of chaos .
- 故事是这样的:在距离这块纺锤形岩石13英里的地方,有个更大些的岛,叫做豪勋爵岛。
- Here 's the story : about 13 miles from this spindle of rock , there 's a bigger island , called lord howe island .
- 对冲黄金白银投资美元英镑收集酒吧酒吧锭锭硬币硬币。
- Tags gold silver bullion hedge investment dollar pound collection bars bar ingots ingot coin coins .
- 1969年,在由王室幕后操纵的一次国际电影节上,西哈努克制作的一部影片获颁一尊由柬埔寨国家银行捐赠金锭打造的纯金塑像。
- At a 1969 international film festival stage-managed by the royal household , one of his films was awarded a solid gold statue made from ingots donated by cambodia 's national bank .
- 如果把一屋子金锭或者一大堆二十美元的钞票堆到外星人面前亦或是他在电脑屏幕前看到一长串数字,他可能茫然不知所措这些东西有何用处。
- Were an extraterrestrial to be shown a room full of gold ingots , a stack of twenty-dollar bills or a row of numbers on a computer screen , he might be puzzled as to their function .