- 移民也帮助了思想的传播。
- Diasporas also help spread ideas .
- 但自那以后好斗情绪蔓延。
- But since then militancy has spread .
- 但是知识也是会传播的。
- But the knowledge can also spread .
- 这本书就放在他的枕边。
- By his head lay the book .
- 那束水仙花放在门厅的桌子上。
- The daffodils lay on the hall table .
- 呃,究竟哪只愚蠢的雌鸟会把自己的卵下到其他鸟的巢里呢?
- Like , what kind of a foolish mother bird would lay its eggs in someone else 's nest ?
- 他说,autonomy同意从vms购买数据,这为vms大量购买autonomy的软件铺平了道路。
- He says autonomy 's agreement to buy the vms data helped pave the way for vms 's big purchase from autonomy .
- 基民盟与绿党在北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚州的结盟,将为2013年大选后两党在国家层面上的结盟铺平道路。
- A cdu alliance with the greens in north rhine-westphalia could pave the way for something similar at federal level after the 2013 election .
- 理想的情况是,少数几个实力较弱的国家将离开欧元区,以恢复其它成员国的竞争力、并为更紧密的联盟铺平道路。
- Ideally a few weaker countries would leave the single currency , to regain competitiveness and pave the way for tighter union among the rest .
- 他们的杂志扩展了他们的市场领域。
- Their magazines extend their dominance .
- 周仍在探寻扩大其android领先的方法。
- Chou is looking for ways to extend his android lead .
- 内塔尼亚胡总理拒绝延长停建时间。
- Mr netanyahu refused to extend it .