- 这种蝴蝶简直就是耀眼夺目。
- These butterflies are simply dazzling .
- 眼花缭乱的圣诞彩灯照亮了牛津街,柯芬园和卡尔纳比街。
- Dazzling christmas lights brighten up oxford street , covent garden and carnaby street .
- 男孩眯着眼看,眼花缭乱的阳光闪过他的眼睛,然后他看到了它。
- The boy squints , the dazzling sun glaring into his eyes . Then he sees it .
- 他的前额锃亮,脸胖乎乎的,看上去就像个教室里的书呆子,而不是革命家。
- With his big shiny forehead and podgy face , he looked like the class swot , rather than a revolutionary .
- 她是围住陌生来访者的一群兴高采烈的女性之一,访客锃亮的皮鞋上溅满了烂泥和其它更可怕的东西。
- She is one of a group of cheerful women gathering round the strange visitor whose shiny shoes are now spattered with mud and worse .
- 你真的觉得在田里劳作的人,需要每天几个小时砍木头的人会穿着厚重的外套和擦得锃亮的鞋子吗?
- Do you really think someone would toil in the field or chop wood for hours on end dressed in a heavy coat and shiny shoes ?
- 木质墙板如绸缎般光滑,客厅里洋溢着一种现代的男性风格,其中掺杂着些许颓废的气息。
- All satin and glossy wood panels , the living room has a modern , masculine flair with just a whiff of decadence .
- 在马杰拉精品店,顾客最后拿走的不是光亮的手提袋,而是白色帆布袋;设计工作室的员工穿着类似实验室工作服的白大褂。
- In margiela boutiques , instead of a glossy carrier bag , purchases are taken away in white canvas sacks , and the staff in the design studios wear white coats that resemble lab coats .
- 这只动物在贴着地表油亮一片的美洲鬼臼间穿过,留下了一条通路,由此可以看出其大小这就足以让她心跳加速了。
- She knew the animal 's size from the path it had left through the glossy undergrowth of mayapples , and that was enough to speed up her heart .
- 因此,我将称他为陈先生。
- Therefore I will call him mr. chen .
- 对于陈而言,一辆suv是不够的。
- One suv is not enough for chen .
- 陈医生在医药世家的环境中成长。
- Chen grew up surrounded by the medical profession .